Monday, October 5, 2009

A Quote...

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of those acts will be written the history of the generation."
-Robert F. Kennedy

This quote is truly inspiring and brimming full of meaning. It's also written by a great person, Robert F. Kennedy who is one of my great heroes. The quote can be interpreted in many ways and can mean many different things to different people. This is what I think this quote is about....

What does this quote mean? Well, I think that this quote says that there are not many people that are so great that they can change something by all by themselves, like Craig Kielburger. But if all of us work together on a problem it will make a bigger effect then what one person has done and that's what will really count when people look back on us in the future.

The quote makes me think about all the changes and accomplishes we've made so far and how we have so much more to do. We're not going to make any big changes if everyone doesn't work together. One person can light a candle but if it wasn't for everyone else the flame would just burn out. That is why everyone needs to help. If everyone accomplished a simple task then it would make a big impact on our overall goal. For example if everyone just protested or refused to buy things made from child labour, child labour would be finally over and children would be free!

Think as the quote as a soccer game. One person can be a star player but the team will be much more successful if they all work together because if everyone works together the team will be a much stronger force. Or in a different point of veiw, think about all the wars we've been in. One talented solider would never be able to fight hundreds of other men. It's all his other men that have helped him win the battle.

I really like this quote because I think that there is a lot of meaning in it and and can mean many different things.It's a wonderful quote that we can all live up to and be inspired by. We've done a lot to change our world for the better but there is still so much more that needs to be done. But do you really think that one person alone can change the world by themselves? So lets help them! :)


  1. AMAZING EMILY!!!! I like the different colours! Great quote choice! I like how you related it to Craig Kielburger!

  2. Good job I like how you also used A Kenndy brother like me
