Before this all happens, all the excitement and athletes actually preforming, the Olympics all start with a tiny flame that brings hope to so many people. That hope of a flame then grows and becomes a blaze and then a scorching fire with all the passion and love that everyone has for their sport. It travels all around the world, passes from person to person, from young and old. Then finally it reaches it's final destination, the place where it all takes place. The heart of the world for two weeks, Vancouver!
Its truly amazing and inspirational. The strength and willpower these people have just so they can represent their country and fulfill their hopes and dreams. But with all the pressure to be the top dog, it's very stressful and without their encouragement from fans, family and coaches it would be even more crummy. That brings up another point. Coaches. They are astounding! The key to success is a good coach, they become your family, they know everything about you and they push you to be the best you can be. Without them most athletes would be completely lost and wandering around like a lost puppy dog.
When Olympians enter the area where their event is to take place, I am sure that they are a bundle a nervous energy. Excited but not ready to let their country down and promising that they will try their absolute hardest. If they win they gain confidence, pride and memories that they will never forget, but if they fail to accomplish what they had wanted, they become depressed, still full of memories but much more different then those who have succeeded. They will analyze their movements and hope that next time, they will be the one with the flowers. That's whats so great about these people that they are not so easily to be pushed off their sport if they don't do so well. They reflect on what they did wrong and fix it so that they can be better. Role models are the words to describe this group of people.
So, when they bomb down the ski hill, triple lutz on the rink, or have a triple hat game, be proud! Remind yourself how they've worked so hard to get where they are, and their work will surely pay off even if they don't win gold. They now have the world's appreciation, love and focus. Cheer like you've never cheered before! Cheer not just for you're own country but for all of them because they all deserve your gratification for making it to a level of almost perfection. This is the time where everyone is gathered together. Keep in mind, the Olympics aren't just for winning and proving who's the best, its to bring everyone together with the love of sports.
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