Thursday, November 19, 2009

H1N1 aka Swine Flu

Swine flu is defined as "a highly contagious form of influenza caused by infection " as stated from We were completely caught off guard when Swine hit Canada and the States all the way from Mexico. We were not prepared and had no idea how to deal with this deadly disease that seemed practically unstoppable. Swine Flu, later changed to H1N1, is a mix of diseases from pig (swine) and bird. Many people never considered that viruses could even be spread from animal to human we only considered human to human viruses and that was what was so different from all other diseases that we've so far studied. Little did we know that Swine would change everything...

After H1N1 broke out, people began to panic and people began to consider their personal health care and hygiene choices they made and started taking more care. And then they made the H1N1 shot. This would potentially help prevent people from getting Swine. Lots decided not to get it, remembering that the shot was still being tested, but many others decided to get it to protect there family. Of course with so many people wanting to get this popular shot at once clinics filled up and line were out the door. That's when they made the new rule: Only priority people would be able to obtain this shot. Priority people included: health care workers, children five years and under, senior citizens and people with serious health issues. These people were at a higher risk at getting this virus. For weeks this was that case and people were starting to get anxious, and finally they let the next group go...

Personally, my family decided to get this shot because my parents wanted us to be protected after hearing about the thirteen year old that died from Swine Flu. Some of my friend's family's decided not to, it's all personal choice. They argue that only people with medical conditions actually die, but you never know. I think of it as, one needle is better than getting H1N1. I'm glad I got that shot because I feel that the shot will help me from getting it. But what I have a hard time understanding is why certain, "special" people got to get their shot before other people, people who need it more. This totally defeats the purpose of having priority people get their shots first, people should have to wait for there turn for their shot. I just do not think that's right.

I fully recommend getting the H1N1 shot because I believe it will help, but it your choice. And if you do get the chance to get in before you group, wait! Other people need it more than you do, that's why they created priority people. Swine is a horrible disease that we're still learning about and it will take years and years until we do finally fully understand it. So, my question to you, do you think you'll get your H1N1 shot? What's holding you back?

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