Thursday, May 27, 2010

Purple Crayons and Puddles

For some, it's the great beyond at the far end of the galaxy that triggers the imagination. For others, just the big backyard is filled with magic and wonder. It's at that time where a stick can be a wand and a rock a precious jewel and everyone is friends with everyone. These are the times when the only problems you have in life, are when you lose your favourite purple crayon or when you have to stay inside instead of playing outside in the puddles. Suddenly, none of this matters anymore. You could care less about that purple crayon you lost yesterday or about splashing in the puddles in the rain. You just don't have time for all that silly child-ness, you have to worry about school and homework. What happened? You grew up. You step into that gap between childhood play and adulthood work where you're still trying to figure out who you are and where you fit into this world. These perhaps, are the most important years and just maybe, the most fun...

Years pass by. Slowly you get taller and smarter. You learn new things and you begin to ask inquisitive questions that just pop out of your mouth. You pass through grades, where you feel as if everyday takes a year and you experience more things. Sometimes scary sometimes crazy and sometimes fun. As years whip past, your childhood years begin to blur into a mess of memories all out of place in your mind. Looking back on everything that has actually happened in 13 years it all seemed to have gone so quickly.

It feels like just yesterday when I stepped into the halls of middle school, somewhat intimidated by all the grade eight kids who towered above us all. And now look! We're the big grade eight kids now that all the little kids look up to. This year has been phenomenal. Grade eight has been phenomenal. So many laughs and jokes. But what's scary is that next year is the year of grade nine where you'll walk the halls of high school, once again the newbies and the youngest. Maybe you'll be a bit different. A bit changed... This time you're one year older, one year wiser and you have one more year of life's experiences under your belt. Still, you're exposed to so many new things and you'll be soaking it up and living it all up. Amongst all this excitement comes also learning about yourself and finding yourself amongst a billion other people on this planet.

Trying to find yourself I think is the hardest thing in life. You could almost picture yourself as a puzzle. You're job is to complete the puzzle to form what you want yourself be be like. The tricky thing with this is that this puzzle has so many pieces and sometimes pieces fit in different spots then you would have thought. And sometimes more than one piece can fit. To find your true inner self you have to listen to your gut feeling instead of being told what to do. Sometimes you have to be a bit different from the crowd and that's hard when you always want to fit in.

This year has gone by fast. Too fast and I just don't know what to say to that, it's been indescribable. If I had to use one word to describe this year I wouldn't be able to. I guess you could describe it as superawesomeamazingfun but does that really count for one word? But I guess since I have to end blog post this I'll leave it to one of my favourite quotes that really just ends it well. All I hope is that next year will be just as memorable and just as amazing as this year as some of us head off on new paths in life. Remember to live that roller coaster of life and have fun!

"The end is just the beginning and the beginning is just the end..."

1 comment:

  1. Emily, there were many thoughts that were running though my brain as I read this post. One was a memory, of the beginning of the year, walking in and just thinking about the year ahead, and what will it be like . Another was how this year, one of the best, seemed to fly by. Well time does fly when your having a good time! Thank you for bringing back these thoughts and memories, and for being a great friend. I hope to see you next year!
